Summer '24 - Studio Updates

After a summer of travel and adventures, I’m happy to be diving back into my routine in the studio. I want to share a bit about where I’ve found inspiration this summer and what you can look forward to from my studio this fall.

This June, I spent three amazing weeks at Art Farm, an artist residency in Nebraska. I was surrounded by 10 other captivating and thoughtful artists - writers, painters, and sculptors - who were so motivating to be with. We explored Nebraska, helped maintain the property (chainsaws, gardening, learning metalworking!), and had enlightening conversations about our art.

I had a little studio in a field, where I spent hours watching the plants around me move in the breeze. Each day, I tried to catch the same shadow around the same time and loved noticing how it was always a little different. 

So much of what fuels creativity is just spending time observing. It’s hard to slow down at home, but the residency offered an opportunity for stillness. About a week in, I felt abuzz with ideas, leading me to sketching, writing, diagramming, and making prototypes. I can’t wait to develop these into larger projects and am excited to draw from this experience for many months and years ahead.

In July, I enjoyed visiting Olympic National Park in Washington and spending time with my family in Pennsylvania. Both places were so lush and green, and the time away gave me fresh eyes to appreciate the absolute beauty of Colorado when I returned.

Now I’m settling into the studio - eager to create more involved paintings based on the sketches and ideas I had while traveling.

Some exciting events coming up this month:

  1. On September 17th, I’ll be launching a new collection of abstract floral paintings on my website! I’ve worked on this moody and dramatic series of wildflower pieces since last fall, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Make sure to join my email list to be the first to know when the collection goes live!

  2. Join me for an open studio at the Evans School on September 29th. Jenna Annunziato and I have had our studio in this historic downtown Denver schoolhouse for over two years, but unfortunately, we will soon be moving due to building renovations. This is our last open studio, so come by to see the space and connect with our wonderful arts community while you can!

  3. Lastly, I’m opening up 2-4 slots for commissions this year. If you’d like to collect or gift a piece inspired by a special location or floral arrangement just in time for the holidays, reach out to me this September. I’d love to work with you!

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